All articles tagged with

patient advice

group of people running in a line
A young girl sitting curled up against a wall with her head in her hands
A girl sits at a kitchen table with a large plate of salad and a glass of orange juice in front of her and a bowl of green apples in the foreground.
A man pushes a grocery cart full of fresh fruits and vegetables
a close-up of a child with a repaired cleft lip
woman with sunhat sitting by the pool
A young man sitting on a couch holding his lower back in pain
a physician wearing blue scrubs and a white glove holds up a scan of a brain that has red areas shaded to indicate a stroke
Two women stand on a grassy lawn in front of a children's hospital next to a sign that reads "The Pinwheel Garden is in support of National Child Abuse Prevention Month" and hold blue pinwheels.
A young girl clutches a teddy bear in her right arm and holds her left hand up in front of her face to say "STOP!"
Tired young man yawning
Woman holding an apple with a heart-shaped bite taken out of it
Dr. James Barahal sits at a computer and talks with a patient over a telehealth screen.
A male doctor holds a model of a brain and talks with a female patient as they sit in an exam room.
orange-soled athletic shoes stick out from under the covers of a comforter on a bed
middle-aged man in a white T-shirt holds his stomach with a look of pain on his face to indicate possible colon cancer