Kapiolani's Wall of Hope displays images and stories of former patients in the hopes to support and inspire current patients and their families as they brave their own medical journey.

Daysen Schwarz

Wall of Hope: Stories of Courage & Inspiration


Dayson Schwarz

Born at 35 weeks with jejunal atresia, a rare genetic disorder resulting in an abnormally developed intestine, Daysen started life as a fighter.

His condition led to yet another condition – one in which not enough water, vitamins and other nutrients were able to be absorbed into his body to sustain life. It is called short bowel syndrome (SBS), and had him in the hospital for almost the first year of life.

Launnies, Daysen’s primary nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), cared for Daysen from day one and was thrilled when the foster paperwork finally came through.

Together Launnies, her husband, their adult children and Daysen have met one challenge after another, including being on IV nutrition, feeding through a G-tube, and trying a new clinical trial drug called Omegavan, which they credit for saving his life and allowing him to avoid having a liver transplant.

Today, Daysen is still on a continuous drip for food but continues to grow. He is a very active little boy who loves running and paying his ukulele.

“It was just meant to be,” says Launnies.

Published on: April 29, 2016