Otolaryngology, or otorhinolaryngology, is the study of ear, nose and throat conditions, commonly referred to as ENT. Our hospitals’ board-certified physicians treat the ear, nose, and throat as well as related structures of the head and neck. Some of the conditions our specialists see patients for include: loss of hearing or balance; sinus troubles; injuries to the ears, nose or throat; cancer and tumors of the head and neck; infections and deformities of the ear, nose, throat or neck; and foreign bodies in the chest.
Ear, Nose & Throat at Wilcox
Wilcox's board certified ENT physicians treat a broad array of conditions such as:
- Hearing problems and ear aches
- Throat and tonsil problems
- Nose and sinus conditions
- Tumors
- Snoring problems
- Facial pain or swelling in the head and neck area
Additionally, patients with lesions and pigmentation can be cared for at our hospitals. Micro-dermabrasion is also offered to freshen and rejuvenate the skin and to improve irregularities and sun damage.
Wilcox ENT Department: 1-808-245-1529
This service is available at: Kapiolani Pali Momi Straub Wilcox