Hawaii Pacific Health is now accepting applications for the 2017 Summer Student Research Program. The eight-week undergraduate program runs June 19-Aug. 11, 2017, and provides hands-on experience for college students interested in pursuing a career in medicine. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, Feb. 10, 2017.
Each year, 10-12 students are chosen to participate in the program through a competitive selection process. Each student becomes a special member of a research team, receiving guidance and mentorship from a physician with Hawaii Pacific Health’s network of medical centers – Kapiolani, Pali Momi, Straub, and Wilcox on Kauai.
Students learn about medical research design and methodology, as well as the role of clinical research in the practice of medicine. They are introduced to physicians of various specialties and participate in visits to various medical facilities. They also have the opportunity to pursue optional activities, such as shadowing physicians and observing surgeries, based on their individual areas of interest in medicine.
The Summer Student Research Program was established in 1986. To date, more than 300 students have completed the program. Recent program alumni have been admitted to medical and research programs at prestigious institutions nationwide, and several have returned home to practice in Hawaii.
Applications for the 2017 Summer Student Research Program are available online at HawaiiPacificHealth.org/StudentResearch. Preference is given to students who are Hawaii residents with a good academic record, a commitment to learning more about clinical research, and an interest in a career in medicine. All of the items required in the application must be postmarked or hand delivered on or before Friday, Feb. 10, 2017.
For more information about the Summer Student Research Program, call Hawaii Pacific Health Conference Services at 808-522-3469.