Brazilian Butt Lift

A combination of liposuction AND buttock augmentation, a Brazilian butt lift creates a shapelier butt and recontours the entire torso, including the waist, abdomen and thighs.

Buttocks of a women wearing a white thong

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Brazilian butt lift surgery performed?
During this procedure, a surgeon harvests fat from an area of the patient’s body where it's not wanted, such as the thigh, abdomen, arms or lower back area, and places it into the buttocks. Extracting a patient’s own body fat and injecting it into another area to enhance, fill and rejuvenate the buttock is partially done through the process of liposuction. The body will have no problem accepting the recently inserted fat cells because they originate 100 percent from the patient.

Fat grafting is designed to fill the upper quadrant of the buttocks so it appears significantly fuller and more youthful. Compared to more-traditional implants, fat grafting is safer and requires less operating time. In addition, the Brazilian butt lift has less post-op discomfort and requires minimal recovery time, which means you can return to your normal schedule relatively soon.

Will the Brazilian butt lift surgery result in permanent scarring?
The incisions for a Brazilian butt lift are very small, but there is still potential for scarring. Wounds are closed nicely at the time of surgery, but if the stitches pop, the scar can widen or become more prominent.

How long is the recovery time for Brazilian butt lift?
Immediately following the procedure, the patient can expect to have bruising and swelling in the areas used to harvest the fat cells. Pain can be managed with medication, although it is advised to switch from narcotics to Tylenol before driving a motor vehicle.
Every patient recovers differently from surgery, but most often, you can expect to be up and walking a day or two after the procedure. Moving around also will help with constipation.

Excess tumescent fluid also may drain from the incision points. Do not be alarmed if the fluid is tinged with blood, as this is completely normal and will cease a few days after surgery.

Will I need anesthesia for Brazilian butt lift?
Brazilian butt lift surgery is performed under either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Your surgeon will recommend the best medication choice for you.

Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?
Buttock augmentation surgery is right for someone who does not like the shape of his or her butt or is looking to balance his or her body. Patients also should be physically healthy and have realistic expectations of what their results will be after surgery.

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Before Your Procedure

In your initial consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your health and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you, based on the condition of your buttock and skin tone. Your surgeon will examine you from a 360-degree perspective to determine the best places for adding and subtracting fat in order to get you as close as possible to your desired body. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Photographs will be taken for reference during surgery and after, and variables will be discussed that may affect the procedure – such as your age, the size and shape of your buttock in proportion to your body, the condition of your skin, areas of existing fat and your desired versus existing body size and shape.

Be sure to tell your surgeon if you smoke and if you're taking any medications, vitamins or other drugs.

Your surgeon will give you instructions to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications.

While making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to assist you for a few days, if needed.

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After Your Procedure

After the surgery, the plastic surgeon will put you in a special compression garment to treat the areas where liposuction was performed. It is recommended that you wear the garment for eight weeks to ensure that areas where the fat was harvested heal properly. This also helps to minimize swelling, decrease discomfort and get the skin to retract. Often, the compression garment will have the rear end cut out so that the compression garment will not kill the fat grafts before they have a chance solidify.

Results are immediately visible, but final results will not be noticeable until a year after the surgery, as it takes a while for the fat to "take." This procedure offers a buttock that is more natural-looking and -feeling, but the projection of the buttock may decrease over time.

Losing or gaining weight may change your results, as the transferred fat can grow or shrink just as any other fat in your body. Also, some of the initial volume you experience after your fat-grafting procedure will fade over time as the fat is absorbed by your body.

One of the most important recovery tips regarding Brazilian butt lift surgery is not to sit directly on your buttock for at least eight weeks after the procedure. Patients are often advised to sleep on their stomach or sides. If you absolutely do have to sit, it is recommended to use a donut pillow or inflatable pillow. Placing the pillow behind your legs will help avoid putting pressure on the fat graft by raising the buttock. This is very important to achieve long-lasting results, as sitting directly on the buttock can affect blood circulation in the area. Reduced blood circulation could destroy the fat cells transferred to the buttock, though it should be noted that up to 40 percent of the transferred fat may not survive, regardless of if you have or have not sat down.

After the first eight weeks of recovery, it is important to still use a cushion when sitting and to avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time. It also is advised to continue to avoid sleeping on your back for the first eight weeks after your surgery.

High-impact activities should be avoided immediately follow the surgery, especially any type of bouncing. After one month, light activities, such as fast-paced walking, can be performed. Most patients can return to their normal activities six to eight weeks after surgery. After the fat cells have stabilized, more-vigorous activities such as jogging or running can resume.

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Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Cho or Dr. Schulz

Please call us at 808-522-4370 or email us

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